Township of Washington Police Department | Reclaim Digital
It was an honor to work with the men and women of the Township of Washington Police Department. The department is heavily involved with the community and connecting with residents and they needed a website that enhance that. All elements of the website are easily updated by the officers – they can add pages, edit items, add galleries/images and add blog posts and recent news. The overall design of the site is simple, making it very easy for residents to get the information they need without having to click too many times. There are large calls to action where a resident can find the most-used information and forms as well as a FAQ section where residents can get their question answered without having to make a call. We’ve also integrated a real-time power outage map – in times of severe weather, a resident can bring up that page and see where there are outages and when their power might be restored. Overall, the site aims to be informative and helpful to all residents and visitors and, at the same time, be ever-evolving as we receive suggestions from visitors.